Currently, the development of tourism in many countries around the world. has given importance to the environmental impact caused by the consumption behavior of tourists and from the operations of the tourism business In particular, the main activities in tourism are transportation, hotels, accommodations and various facilities in tourist destinations. that cause greenhouse gases (Greenhouse gas: GHG) which is a major cause of global warming.
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has realized the importance of the impact of tourism activities on the environment. And want to push both the policy and the operational level to change the business behavior of entrepreneurs in the production and service that are friendly to the environment. Including increasing the opportunity to access and expand the market for environmentally friendly products and services for tourists. And most importantly, it can reduce the cost of entrepreneurs by using resources and energy cost-effectively and efficiently.
Therefore, TAT has cooperated with the Research Unit for Energy Management and Ecology. Institute of Science and Technology Research Chiang Mai University Created this online platform to enable hotel and lodging operators to create a database of environmental inventory (energy, water, waste and greenhouse gases) and calculate the carbon footprint of their hotel and lodging activities. This will reflect the impact of the operations of hotel and accommodation businesses on the environment. and can indicate potential Past management of how successful the business is in sustainable management. It can also be analyzed to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This will be information for business management decisions to increase revenue and reduce expenses from energy consumption appropriately.